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T2Dec Productions is utlizing artificial intelligence to create content for YouTube. T2Dec Comedy is the first T2Dec Productions Channel but many more are coming. All of T2Dec Comedy's analytics are made public. Read about T2Dec Productions below.

Our Mission

T2Dec Productions plans on making the world's first completely self-sufficient production company with 0 employees. We want to create infrastructure to generat and distribute videos that entertain and educate people. T2Dec Comedy was our first channel and it did relatively well as you can see by the statistics above.

How it works?

T2Dec Productions is built on a custom generative A.I. model which is currently private. The model is trained on a large dataset of YouTube videos. The model is then used to generate new videos based on these videos. The T2Dec Comedy channel is a veyr primtive example of what our infrastructure is capable of.

The Future

In the future, we plan to utilize T2Dec Productions to endorse other T2Dec products like Snippet. This way we can spend nearly $0 on advertising.